Accounts, User Access, Configuration Services

Managing your RCCD account, password, and enterprise system access to tools like Colleague, Microsoft 365.

Services (8)

New Email Account

Requires manager approval

Request for Authorization Codes for Class Section

Faculty requests for add codes for specific course section.

New Email/User Account - Volunteer, Student Worker, Intern, or Contractor

Request requires manager approval and a Computer Network Use Form signed by the new user must be attached during submission

WebAdvisor Password Reset Request for RCCD Employee/Student

Reset WebAdvisor password for employees and students.

Reset Email Password Request for RCCD Employee/Student

Having trouble accessing your RCCD/College email?

Reset MFA Request for RCCD Employee/Student

Get a new phone or phone number and need MFA reset in order to get your two-step verification code?

Student Email Creation/Update Request

Troubleshoot issues with student email address.

Department Change / Location Change

Requires Manager Approval