Reset Your RCCD Password

How do I reset my college email password?

Your college email password can be reset from anywhere and requires no initial assistance from the Helpdesk

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your full college email in the initial log in screen
  3. Click "Forgot my password" on the next screen
    1. If you have set up recovery account details (mobile phone or alternate email), you will be instructed to perform steps to verify you identity and ultimately reset your password
For More Information

If you did not set up recovery account details for your college email, please reach out to the Helpdesk for further assistance.

To contact the Helpdesk, call at 951-222-8388, or email them at RCCD Helpdesk Support

Operating Hours: M-F 7:00am - 6:00pm

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Request requires manager approval and a Computer Network Use Form signed by the new user must be attached during submission
Having trouble accessing your RCCD/College email?